And all about MMR

MMR Checker

What is MMR in League of Legends?

MMR, an acronym for Matchmaking Rating, operates as a behind-the-scenes rating mechanism utilized by League of Legends to measure a player's skill level. In contrast to your displayed rank or LP (League Points), MMR functions as an unseen metric employed by Riot Games to pair you with players possessing a comparable skill level in your gaming experiences.

It provides a more precise reflection of your skill than your observable rank, susceptible to shifts caused by win streaks, loss streaks, or promotional series.

How to improve my MMR?

If your goal is to move up the ranks in League of Legends, it's essential to concentrate on improving your MMR, which stands for Matchmaking Rating. To achieve this, consistently winning games and showcasing strong performance during matches are the most effective strategies. The more victories you secure and the better you perform, the higher your MMR will climb.

Furthermore, maintaining a positive mindset is crucial for long-term success in the competitive landscape of League of Legends. Positivity not only contributes to a healthier gaming experience but also helps you stay focused and motivated. Learning from your mistakes is another key aspect. Every loss or error is an opportunity to grow and enhance your skills. Reflecting on your gameplay and understanding where improvements can be made will ultimately boost your MMR.

Adaptability is also paramount. As you progress, adjusting your gameplay based on your experiences and the evolving meta will keep you ahead of the curve. This flexibility ensures that you remain competitive and capable of facing different challenges within the game.

How is MMR calculated?

Winning consistently is the primary driver behind MMR elevation, while frequent losses may result in a decrease. The outcomes of your matches significantly impact your MMR.

The relative MMR of both teams and individual players shapes MMR adjustments. Triumphing over higher-rated opponents yields a more substantial MMR boost, while losses to lower-rated adversaries may lead to a more pronounced MMR decline.

In addition to victory or defeat, personal in-game performance plays a role in MMR adjustments. Metrics such as kills, deaths, assists, and objective participation contribute to the overall evaluation.

Progressing through promotional series or changing divisions can trigger MMR adjustments, aligning it more closely with the perceived skill level associated with the new rank.

Smurf accounts

When purchasing a smurf account, players are often provided with an account calibrated at a lower MMR than their main account. This means they begin their journey in ranked play against opponents who are generally less skilled or experienced.

Due to the easier matches and higher win rate, the smurf account's MMR experiences rapid growth. Winning consistently against opponents with lower skill levels leads to quicker progression through the ranks compared to the more gradual climb that might occur on a main account.

Smurf accounts also provide a platform for players to experiment with different champions, roles, or strategies without the fear of adversely affecting their main account's MMR. This can be particularly advantageous for players looking to broaden their skill set or adapt to different playstyles.