Master Yi Skins

All Master Yi skins, starting from newest to oldest. Click a skin for more details.

About Master Yi Skins

There are several skins.

Prestige Spirit Blossom Master Yi

Prestige Spirit Blossom Master Yi offers a regal, glowing version of the original Spirit Blossom theme, giving Master Yi a divine and ethereal appearance. The skin features him in shimmering white and gold armor adorned with celestial symbols, with his blade glowing brightly, symbolizing his connection to the Spirit Blossom realm. Abilities are enhanced with radiant, soft particle effects, including ethereal blossoms and glowing energy. As a prestige-tier skin, it provides a luxurious golden variant that enhances the beauty of the Spirit Blossom line. Fans love it for its elegant design and the uplifting, celestial presence it gives to Master Yi.


PROJECT: Yi presents Master Yi in a high-tech, futuristic outfit inspired by the cyberpunk universe. The skin features Yi in sleek, armored gear with glowing neon accents and a digital, pixelated blade. His abilities are reworked with sharp, digital effects, including holographic energy and neon visuals that match the PROJECT theme. The unique recall animation shows Yi preparing for a high-tech operation. As a legendary-tier skin, it transforms Master Yi into a deadly, cybernetic warrior. Fans enjoy the skin for its clean, cyberpunk aesthetic, and the way it reimagines Yi’s iconic samurai appearance with advanced technology.

Heavenscale Master Yi

Heavenscale Master Yi takes the champion into a celestial realm, giving him a majestic, dragon-themed design with golden armor and heavenly accents. The skin features Yi in ornately designed armor, with glowing, dragon-scale patterns and vibrant energy flowing through his blade. His abilities are enhanced with celestial dragon effects, including shimmering scales and radiant energy bursts. The unique recall animation showcases Yi harnessing the power of the heavens. As an epic-tier skin, it offers a complete transformation, and fans love it for its elegant, divine aesthetic and how it aligns Yi with the grandeur of a celestial warrior.

What's the newest Master Yi skin?

It was released on January 9, 2025.

What's the oldest Master Yi skin?

It was released on December 17, 2009.

What's the most expensive Master Yi skin?

They cost 1820 RP each.

What's the cheapest Master Yi skin?

It costs 390 RP.