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520 riot points
Release date
February 12, 2010
Winter Sports
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Curling Veigar

Curling is a sport where players slide stones across the ice with a stick. Veigar is an evil yordle obsessed with annihilating the great cities of Valoran. It just makes sense.

About Curling Veigar

It transforms Veigar into a playful, curling-themed competitor, blending his mischievous nature with the whimsical, competitive spirit of the sport.

  • Theme and Design: Features Veigar in a curling player’s outfit, complete with a headband, gloves, and a modified version of his staff that resembles a curling broom. His body is adorned with sporting details, and his magical abilities are reimagined with icy, slick curling-themed effects.
  • Special Features: Custom VFX with icy, curling-inspired energy effects on his abilities, including frosty trails and slick, snow-covered explosions. His ultimate, Event Horizon, is now surrounded by icy magic, reflecting the cold, strategic nature of curling.
  • Skin Tier: Standard tier (520 RP), offering a full visual transformation with new animations, voice lines, and playful, sports-inspired magical effects.
  • Lore Connection: Depicts Veigar as a twisted version of a curling competitor, using his dark powers in a new and unusual way, symbolizing his desire to outsmart his opponents through cunning and icy strategy.
  • Popularity: Well-received by fans of quirky skins and Veigar mains, especially those who appreciate the mix of humor, sport, and magic.
  • Additional Features: Custom SFX with icy sounds, sliding effects, and sports-themed noises that complement the skin’s playful, competitive atmosphere.
  • Fan Reception: Praised for its fun and unexpected design, though some players feel it departs too far from Veigar’s dark sorcery for their liking.
  • Noteworthy Gameplay Effects: Icy and slick VFX make Veigar’s gameplay feel more playful and lighthearted, enhancing his usual dark abilities with a whimsical, curling-themed twist.